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SOE Portal Overview

A brief overview of the impeltec cloud-based SOE Portal. Watch how easy it is to define your SOE image configuration, select your applications and hardware models, and let our system automatically build it for you. When it's ready, you can download the resulting SOE image using our robust download manager.

SOE Portal Image Configuration Wizard

A more in-depth look at the impeltec cloud-based SOE Portal, focusing on the image configuration wizard. In the wizard, you simply define your SOE image configuration, select your Line of Business (LOB) applications, select common applications from our library, and select your applicable hardware models from our library of certified hardware. Our system automatically builds your custom SOE image which you can then download for deployment to your desktop environment.

SOE Portal Application Configuration Wizard

A more in-depth look at the impeltec cloud-based SOE Portal, focusing on the application configuration wizard. In the wizard, you simply upload your Line of Business (LOB) applications, and define the installation parameters. These can then be selected for inclusion in your SOE image configurations.